Stop Being A Robot
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“If you are working like a robot, a robot will replace your work.” — Gerd Leonard
I watch many entrepreneurs do exactly this. They work in the minutia of their company because it feels controllable. Move this piece here. Move that over there. Take this action. Make this call. Schedule that appointment.
When they come up for air, they are exhausted and no closer to their ultimate goal. They have fallen victim to being the founder-doing-everything instead of being a CEO Visionary. This often involves the time-for-money trap — trading your time for an hourly rate. No passive income. No profits while you sleep.
We do this because it is what society trained us to do. It’s what our summer jobs and first employment taught us. Entrepreneurship can equal freedom, but only if you work your way out of being the robot in your business and start employing technology to do the work for you.
I know this because I was one such founder. Two years into running my tech company — a company that naturally should have leveraged tech solutions — and I was burning out. I had built myself another job when I had intended to create something that could grow exponentially.
It wasn’t until I discovered the first pillar of scaling — automation — that things really changed for my business. Suddenly, my time opened up. My business ran smoother. I was able to focus clearly on the next big leap I wanted for my company. It was glorious.
But you have to want it. If you feel comfortable or safe holding on to all those tasks, then perhaps entrepreneurship isn’t for you. If, however, something screams inside you, “Of COURSE entrepreneurship is for me!” then it’s time you did the work to expose just how robotic you’ve been. It takes honest self-examination to reveal and let go of the tasks that make us feel safe. But if you want that freedom, if you want that impact, and especially if you want that income, it’s time to grow. I’m happy to help if you need it.
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“There’s one thing I regret about working with Veronica – not having met her sooner! She had a clear perspective on the challenges I was facing and was quick to offer me the latest tools for my projects.”— Niki A., Executive Coach